Project Summary

This project is online website for hall booking system. Using this website user or customer can book available hall in available date online. This website shows all essential details of hall to user like hall people capacity, hall price etc. Website can manage by admin using admin panel. On admin side admin can add, edit and delete hall, manage user profile, manage payment etc. This website manages complete hall booking system.

Project Scope

Hall booking system manages hall and hall photos, manager, area and city on admin side. Also, admin can manage and edit his profile. On user side user can create new hall book plus edit and delete past hall booked. And user can print his past hall book receipt at any time. Also, user can edit and delete profile on user side.

Project Features

  • Book all available halls
  • Forget and change passwords
  • Backup account 24 hours
  • Print onilne order receipt
  • High security and encrypted payment